25th Annual Free Thanksgiving Dinner: A free Thanksgiving Dinner will be held at the Most Holy Trinity Church Hall at 271 Main St., Saco on Thursday Nov. 28th. Dinner will be served 11am to 2pm. Dinners are also available for take-out at the hall. Home delivery will also be available but orders must be placed in advance. Menus are available at the Good Shepherd Parish office at 271 Main St., Saco, and delivery orders can be placed by calling Loyce Bolduc at 207-730-2887 by Monday, November 25th at 4pm. There is no charge for the dinner and all are welcome. Anyone wishing to help with the dinner can drop in at the church hall on Wednesday, the 27th from 2-7pm for prepping of veggies. Bring your peeler! On Thanksgiving Day, helpers are needed for packing and delivering dinners. Please call Ray at 229-4844 or Phyllis at 284-5030 to volunteer for this. In addition, servers, floor help, and clean-up crews will also be needed, please call Loyce at 730-2887 to volunteer for this. Helpers can come to the hall by 10:00am on Thanksgiving morning to help with any of the positions needed to make the meal a big success. We have a kitchen crew in place, but can use dishwashers. Any other inquiries should be directed to Mike Bolduc, at [email protected] or 468-0106.
Thanking you in advance, "The Free Thanksgiving Committee" crew...God Bless
P.S. Donations of cooked TURKEYS and pies will be accepted anytime, but preferably between noon and 4:00pm on Wednesday, Nov. 27.